Event Age Restrictions
Aligning with Sport New Zealand's Balance is Better Principles, Badminton New Zealand have implemented age restrictions on all Sanctioned, Inter-Association, and National Events from 2023 onwards. These restrictions are intended to ensure that your players receive relevant, quality experiences in our sport.
The age restrictions are as follows:
Under 13
- National Events - Turning 10, 11 or 12 in the year of the event.
- Sanctioned Events - Turning 9, 10, 11 or 12 in the year of the event.
Under 15
- All Events - Turning 11, 12, 13 or 14 in the year of the event.
Under 17
- All Events - Turning 13, 14, 15 or 16 in the year of the event.
Under 19
- All Events - Turning 15, 16, 17 or 18 in the year of the event.
- All Events - Turning at least 15 in the year of the event.
Understanding that a one-size-fits-all policy is not suitable for badminton, Associations may apply to Badminton New Zealand for a dispensation for their player to compete in an older age-group. This request must be submitted by Associations through this form no later than seven days prior to entries closing for the event. Requests will not be considered if received directly from parents / players or if received after the seven day deadline.
Upon receipt of this form, the Badminton New Zealand Balance is Better Lead - Donna Trow will engage in conversations with the Association and relevant Badminton New Zealand staff members before reaching a final decision. Note that it is intended that this process is collaborative, however a high bar for approval will be required.
If you had any questions regarding this process, please contact Donna Trow.