Accredited Umpire Training Registration
The Badminton New Zealand Accredited Umpire Training is a course where participants will gain the knowledge and skills required to umpire at Badminton New Zealand and Association events.
The course will be delivered in two sections; firstly, a series of evening webinars will provide participants with the theory required to umpire within New Zealand.
Participants will then be invited to events to gain practical experience alongside a qualified umpire and then offered the opportunity to be assessed to achieve the Badminton New Zealand Accredited Umpire qualification.
We encourage you to engage with your local association for potential training opportunities.

Online Webinars
Session 1 - Tuesday, March 11th - 7 - 9 pm
Session 2 - Tuesday, March 18th - 7 - 9 pm
Session 3 - Tuesday, March 25th - 7 - 9 pm
Practical Experience and Assessment Opportunities
NZ Tour / Manawatu Open 18-20 April
NZ Tour / North Harbour Open 9-11 May
NZ Tour / Auckland Open 6-8 June
NZ Tour / Canterbury Open 22 -24 August
Entries close Friday, 7th March at 5 pm.
If you have any questions regarding these courses, please contact Alec Huang (