Voice of the Participant - Template

Thank you for participating in Badminton New Zealand's Voice of the Participant survey.

The purpose of this survey is to understand your badminton experience during the past 12 months. Your feedback will provide valuable feedback to assist coaches and administrators to create high quality programmes for your community.

Please be assured that no information that could be used to identify you will be used in any reports, or reporting about this research.

The survey should take five minutes to complete. Thank you and please know that your view are greatly appreciated.

Voice of the Participant - Template

Thank you for participating in Badminton New Zealand's Voice of the Participant survey.

The purpose of this survey is to understand your badminton experience during the past 12 months. Your feedback will provide valuable feedback to assist coaches and administrators to create high quality programmes for your community.

Please be assured that no information that could be used to identify you will be used in any reports, or reporting about this research.

The survey should take five minutes to complete. Thank you and please know that your view are greatly appreciated.

Tell us about you

Select all that apply

How do you play badminton?

Select all that apply.
Select all that apply
Select all that apply

Finally, please tell us about *INSERT ASSOCIATION NAME*

0 - Not at all likely 10 - Extremely likely
