This series shines a spotlight on Badminton New Zealand's hard-working Technical Official community. Hear their motivations, fun facts, pro-tips, and a few inspiring tales too!
Long considered the face of technical officials in New Zealand, Lynne Nixey has achieved it all! She's represented New Zealand on the global stage for decades, previously led the Badminton New Zealand Technical Official Committee, delivered Badminton New Zealand events and upskilled countless technical officials. As a BWF Referee Lynne attended the Tokyo Olympics where she supported the best players and officials on the planet to have an outstanding experience.
Badminton New Zealand have been incredibly fortunate to be supported by Lynne for many years, and we are truly grateful for calm, rationale decision-making, alongside a real positive-attitude that elevates all around her.

Role: BWF Referee (since 2011)
Association: Counties Manukau
Nickname: I've been called many names over the years, but not one that anyone uses anymore.
Best Kiwi Holiday Destination: Aotea Great Barrier Island - Although don't get there very often.
Favourite Travel Meal: Wonton Noodle Soup - at Singapore Airport. Always yummy after a long flight and could get it even when the airport was basically locked down during COVID.
Tell us about your background in badminton prior to officiating.
I moved to Papakura when I was five years old with three older siblings. Mum and Dad were both players and Dad soon became involved with Counties Badminton. He was instrumental in having the Counties Hall build in Papakura, and was President there for a number of years. Mum took over the local junior club and I was allowed to start playing there when I was 10. I was a good, average players who could be relied on to make a quarter-final at the junior level. My biggest event was travelling to Dunedin to play in the Junior Nationals (again a good quarter-finalist only). I continued to play for many years, being involved in Counties Rep teams but never at a national level. I sat my Umpire exam at the are of 16 with the encouragement of my Dad who was also a qualified Umpire, and from there continued on through the levels to where I am now.
What do you enjoy most about officiating?
Firstly, it is being involved. I was originally an Umpire and officiated at BNZ level for 10 years. However, it is as a Referee that I have most enjoyed my time - as a Referee you know all about the event from start to finish, you are involved in the day-to-day running and everything in between. It is long hours, tiring and despite all of the travel I often don't see much out for of a stadium, but I love it!
Do you have a dream event to attend or goal to achieve?
I have now officiated at two Olympics as an Umpire and one as a Referee. I have also officiated World events at the highest level. This year I will be the Referee at the Indonesia Open and that has always been on my bucket list. Every event I attend is enjoyable and all are different which is what makes it something that I can continue for many years to come.
What is your best badminton story?
Wow – there are so many that I have from over the years that I could continue on with them for days. To choose one is just too difficult. Come and chat to me at our next event together and we'll see!
What is your top tip that you would like to share with our officiating community?
Give yourself 100% to whatever you do. Whether you are a Line Judge, Umpire, Referee or Court Mopper. When you are at a tournament, you are there for that – give 100% for the duration that you are there. When it is over, you can go home and crash!!
We wish Lynne all the best with her future travels as she continues to make her mark on the world-stage.
If you're interested in following in Lynne's footsteps and beginning your career as a badminton referee, please reach out to the Badminton New Zealand Technical Official Committee ( to discuss upcoming opportunities.