Covid-19 Update: 21 September

September 21, 2020

Dear Badminton Stakeholders

Following the Prime Minister's announcement today, New Zealand will shift current COVID-19 Alert Levels.

Auckland will move to Alert Level 2 with no extra restrictions at 11:59pm on Wednesday 23 September. This means people in Auckland will be able to attend social gatherings in groups of up to 100 people. The NZ Government have stated that Auckland will remain in Alert Level 2 for at least two weeks.

The rest of New Zealand will move to Alert Level 1 at 11:59pm on Monday 21 September.

Please note the following implications:

  • The Central Region Masters Inter-Association competition scheduled for the 26th and 27th September 2020 will proceed with no changes.
  • The Northern Region Masters Inter-Association competition scheduled for the 26th and 27th September 2020 will proceed with no changes. This can be delivered within the Alert Level 2 restrictions.
  • The National Tertiary Championships scheduled for the 26th and 27th September 2020 will proceed with no changes. This can be delivered within the Alert Level 2 restrictions.
  • The NZU13, NZU15, NZU17 and NZU19 National Championships will proceed as planned. The NZU13 and NZU17 events will be split to separate venues in North Harbour. The NZU15 and NZU19 will go ahead as planned as a combined event in Hamilton.
  • We will monitor the continuation of future events and competitions in accordance with the NZ Government updates and COVID-19 Alert Levels.

Please note that at all times our badminton community should first and foremost follow the requirements and advice of the New Zealand Government, the Ministry of Health and Sport New Zealand. The websites for these organisations are at the bottom of this email.

Our advice remains simple – follow the New Zealand Government and Sport New Zealand guidelines and ensure your community safety is put first. We recommend only continuing to participate and deliver badminton if it can be done safely while meeting all the requirements set out in the guidelines.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me or any Badminton New Zealand staff if you have questions, concerns or need help in any way.

Thank you for your continued patience and support.

Joe Hitchcock
Chief Executive
Badminton New Zealand


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